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Arberia Theme is a theme for the Hugo for tech blogger with 4 single post layout and 2 list layout!


  • Responsive layout
  • 3 Single post view:
    • Post view with sidebar
    • Post view without sidebar
    • Post view with cover image
    • Video post view
  • 2 List post view:
    • List posts
    • Grid posts
  • Landing page
  • List Cathegory/Tag view
  • Icon colored submenu
  • Table of Contents
  • Search supported by Flexbox.js
  • Google Analytics supported
  • Disqus comment system
  • Social-Media Share buttons on posts
  • Multilingual support. (not yet implemented!)
  • Uses Hugo’s asset generator with pipelining, fingerprinting, bundling and minification by default (No webpack, nodejs and other dependencies are required to edit the theme.


Before starting, please be sure that you have installed Hugo and created a new site. After that, you are ready to install Arberia.

There are two mode:

a) Simple mode: Download as Zip from Github Page and extract in your themes directory or

b) Or you can add it as a git submodule via the following command:

$ cd themes
$ git submodule add arberia

Next, open config.toml in the base of the Hugo site and ensure the theme option is set to arberia:

theme = "arberia"

To update theme installed in b mode:

cd themes/arberia
git pull


Config.toml example

title = "Arberia Theme"
baseURL = ""
relativeURLs = "True"
languageCode = "en-us"
defaultContentLanguage = 'en'
theme = "arberia"

Front Matter example

title: "Insert title here"
subtitle: "Insert a subtitle here"
date: 2020-10-15T20:58:53+02:00
lastmod: 2020-10-15T20:58:53+02:00
draft: true
type:  # Use standard-view on nothing for default or courses - video - landingpage null for list view
weight: null 

featured: false
sidebar: false # Works only with standard-view
toc: true # Works only with standard-view
  enable: false # Actualy not implemented
lightgallery: false # Actualy not implemented
license: ""
slug:  # slug exemple: solidworks-2020-tutorial

hiddenFromHomePage: false
hiddenFromSearch: false # da implementare

author: "author"
avatar: /img/me.jpg  # link to avatar file
authorLink: ""
description: "Descrizione da rivedere se è un doppione subtitle"

  - tag1
  - tag2
  - tag3
  - tag4
  - category

# resources:
#   - name: featured-image
#     src: featured-image.png

- name: "featured-image"
  src: "Real-Python-Learning-Paths_Watermarked.webp"
- name: "featured-image-preview"
  src: "Real-Python-Learning-Paths_Watermarked.webp"

# If its a video post compile below
  title: "YouTube Video Title"
  link: # YouTube Video Link for example:
  duration: # Example 14:16

    - title: "YouTube Video Title"
      icon: fa fa-fw fa-play
      link:  # YouTube Video Link for example:
      duration: # Example 14:16
    - title: "YouTube Video Title"
      icon: far fa-circle
      link: # YouTube Video Link for example:
      duration: # Example 4:42

For more information about all available standard front matter variables, please read Hugo Front Matter.


Have you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the issue tracker to let me know. Or make directly a pull request.


This theme is released under the GPLv2 license.

FAQs / How To’s Guide

Read Wiki For More Details => Arberia-FAQs

Release Changelog

Release ChangeLog has info about stuff added: Releases

Special Thanks


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About Vincenzo Antedoro

Vincenzo Antedoro

Vincenzo Antedoro is an engineer who helps those who want to invest in renewables. For the rest he enjoys teaching with the method of learning by doing..

» More about Vincenzo Antedoro