Today we will give a brief introduction to the general form and running rules of quantum circuits, which will be illustrated with four simple examples.
Example 1. Initialization and Measurement of Quantum Bits
我们看到该量子电路中有一个量子位 q0 以及一个经典位 c0,接着在右边出现了一个狄拉克符号 |ψ⟩ ,并且狄拉克符号下面标识着 [0]
这意味着我们将量子位 q0 初始为 0,然后接着在右边出现了一个测量符号,该测量符号标识对量子位 q0 进行测量并将测量结果存入经典位元中从低到高的第0位。
We can see there is one quantum bit q0 and one classical bit c0 in this quantum circuit, then on the right side there is a Dirac Notation |ψ⟩ and below the Dirac Notation it says [0]
, it means we initialize the q0 bit to be 0, and then on the right side there is a measurement sign, which indicates the operation of measuring the q0 and store the result in the 0th bit of the classical bits from the lowest bit to the highest bit.
通过采样测量,我们会有100%的机率得到数值 0 。
By sampling measurement, we have a 100% chance of getting a value of 0.