Arberia Theme provides multiple built-in shortcodes for author convenience and to keep your markdown content clean. To expand your possibility this is an example list of all provided shortcodes.
Shortcode to inset varius alert on markdown post use this code:
{{< alert-info "[**Click here to get an example of info alert**]( followed in this tutorial.">}}
{{< alert-success "[**Click here to get an example of info alert**]( followed in this tutorial.">}}
{{< alert-warning "[**Click here to get an example of info alert**]( followed in this tutorial.">}}
{{< alert-danger "[**Click here to get an example of info alert**]( followed in this tutorial.">}}
{{< alert-dark "[**Click here to get an example of info alert**]( followed in this tutorial.">}}
List Element
Who I am?
My name is Vincenzo Antedoro. I was born and grew up in south of Italy. In my challenge of creativity, I was ispired from near ancient greek culture and mediterranean in general.

CaptionPlaylist of videos
Tutorial Solidworks
9 Lessons 9:38
Office Hours is a weekly Zoom-based online hangout with experts from the Real Python Team, where you can get help and discuss your Python questions with us and other community members. If you want to join, you can register at the link above to get a Zoom link.
Office Hours are available to all Real Python Members. Just click the button above under Upcoming Events where you can sign up for the next event.
As often as you want! We have several regulars that come every week!
No, you’re more than welcome to join even if you just want to listen and leave your camera and microphone turned off. If you have a question you can ask it via Zoom’s text-based chat or post it in the #office-hours channel in the RP Community Slack.
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