
Arberia Installation | Update


  • We’ll be using yml/yaml format for all examples down below, I recommend using yml over toml as it is easier to read.
  • You can find any YML to TOML converters if necessary.


Follow Quick Start guide to setup and create a new site.

Note: Use -f to select yml format

hugo new site <name of site> -f yml

Make sure you install latest version of hugo(>=0.101.0).

After you have created a new site, at Step 3 follow the steps:

Method 1

Inside the folder of your Hugo site, run:

git clone themes/arberia --depth=1

Note: You may use --branch v5.0 to end of above command if you want to stick to specific release.

Updating theme :

cd themes/Arberia
git pull

Method 2

you can use as submodule with

git submodule add --depth=1 themes/arberia
git submodule update --init --recursive # needed when you reclone your repo (submodules may not get cloned automatically)

Note: You may use --branch v5.0 to end of above command if you want to stick to specific release.

Updating theme :

git submodule update --remote --merge

Method 3

Or you can Download as Zip from Github Page and extract in your themes directory

Direct Links: Not defined

Finally …

Add in config/config.toml:

theme: "arberia"

Method 4

  • Add Arberia in your config/config.toml file
  - path:
  • Update theme
hugo mod get -u

Sample config.toml

Example Site Structure is present here: exampleSite

Use appropriately

title = "Arberia Theme"
baseURL = ""
relativeURLs = "True"
languageCode = "en-us"
defaultContentLanguage = 'en'
theme = "arberia"

# To list the most relevant pages on the front page or similar, 
# you should use the site.Params.mainSections list instead of comparing 
# section names to hard-coded values like "posts" or "post".
# [params]
#   mainSections = ['posts',]

  tag = "tags"
  category = "categories"

  home = ["HTML", "JSON", "RSS", "AMP"]
  page = ["HTML"]
  section = ["HTML", "RSS"]
  taxonomy = ["HTML", "RSS"]
  taxonomyTerm = ["HTML", "RSS"]

    startLevel = 2
    endLevel = 5
    ordered = false
    tocMinWordCount = 100 # Minimum word count to display the Table of Contents

[markup.goldmark.renderer] # Controllare cosa faccia
  unsafe = true

  posts = "/:title/"

  minifyOutput = true

enableRobotsTXT= true

############################# Plugins ##############################
# CSS Plugins
# [[params.plugins.css]]
# link = "css/Custom.css"
# [[params.plugins.css]]
# link = ""

# JS Plugins
# [[params.plugins.js]]
# link = "js/customJS.js"

# Generate favicon with
# and copy favicon folder (name it facicon) to static/ folder
  favicon = "favicon/favicon.ico"
  favicon16x16 = "favicon/favicon-16x16.png>"
  favicon32x32 = "favicon/favicon-32x32.png"
  apple_touch_icon = "favicon/apple-touch-icon.png"
  safari_pinned_tab = "favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg"
  # safari_color = "18354c"
  # theme_color = "#18354c"
  # msapplication_TileColor = "#ffc40d"

#  Menu
# [[menu.main]]
# identifier = "home"
# pre = ""
# post = ""
# name = "Home"
# url = "/"
# title = ""
# weight = 1

identifier = "portfolio"
pre = "fa fa-drafting-compass"
post = ""
name = "Portfolio"
url = "/portfolio"
title = ""
weight = 2

identifier = "tutorial"
pre = "fa fa-graduation-cap"
post = ""
name = "Tutorial"
url = "#"
title = ""
weight = 3

identifier = "list_view"
pre = "fa fa-list"
post = "Post list view of all posts"
name = "List View →"
url = "/posts/"
title = ""
weight = 4
parent = "tutorial"
  color = "#ff7e73"

identifier = "grid_view"
pre = "fa fa-th"
post = "Post grid view of all posts"
name = "Grid View →"
url = "/portfolio/"
title = ""
weight = 5
parent = "tutorial"
  color = "#abe5b1"

identifier = "post_view_sidebar"
pre = "fa fa-file-text-o"
post = "Single post view with sidebar"
name = "Single Post View With Sidebar"
url = "/post-with-sidebar/"
title = ""
weight = 6
parent = "tutorial"
  color = "#ffc873"

identifier = "post_view_no_sidebar"
pre = "fa fa-file-text-o"
post = "Single post view without sidebar"
name = "Single Post View Without Sidebar"
url = "/post-without-sidebar/"
title = ""
weight = 7
parent = "tutorial"
  color = "#ffc873"

identifier = "post_view_cover"
pre = "fa fa-picture-o"
post = "Single post view with cover image"
name = "Single Post View with Cover"
url = "/post-with-cover-image/"
title = ""
weight = 8
parent = "tutorial"
  color = "#abe0e5"

identifier = "video_post"
pre = "fa fa-film"
post = "Single post view of video post"
name = "Video Post"
url = "/solidworks-2020-tutorials/"
title = ""
weight = 9
parent = "tutorial"
  color = "#abe0e5"

identifier = "landinpage"
pre = "fa fa-star text-warning"
post = "Insert html on file"
name = "Landing Page"
url = "/landingpage/"
title = ""
weight = 10
parent = "tutorial"
  color = ""
  bordertop = true

identifier = "books"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Libri"
url = "/libri"
title = ""
weight = 11

identifier = "contact"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Contatti"
url = "/contatti/"
title = ""
weight = 12

identifier = "about"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "About "
url = "/about/"
title = ""
weight = 13

# [[menu.main]]
# identifier = "more"
# pre = ""
# post = ""
# name = "More"
# url = "/more/"
# title = ""
# weight = 10

# [[menu.main]]
# identifier = "python_newsletter"
# pre = ""
# post = ""
# name = "Python Newsletter"
# url = "/more/"
# title = ""
# weight = 11
# parent = "more"

# [[menu.main]]
# identifier = "python_podcast"
# pre = ""
# post = ""
# name = "Python Podcast"
# url = "/more/"
# title = ""
# weight = 11
# parent = "more"

# [[menu.main]]
# identifier = "python_job_board"
# pre = ""
# post = ""
# name = "Python Job Board →"
# url = "/more/"
# title = ""
# weight = 12
# parent = "more"

# Elenco colori da usare nel  menu 
			# "color: #ff7e73;
			# "color: #abe5b1;
			# "color: #abe0e5;
			# "color: #ffc873;
			# "color: #e5c6ab;
			# "color: #b8abe5; 

# Footer config
enable = true
title = "||||"
greatings = "❤️ Happy Pythoning!"
  name = "Newsletter"
  link = "newsletter/"
  weight = 1

  name = "Podcast"
  link = "podcast/"
  weight = 2

  name = "Youtube"
  link = "youtube/"
  weight = 3

  name = "Twitter"
  link = "twitter/"
  weight = 4

  name = "Facebook"
  link = "facebook/"
  weight = 5

  name = "Instagram"
  link = "Instagram/"
  weight = 6

  name = "Python Tutorials"
  link = "python-tutorials/"
  weight = 7

  name = "Search"
  link = "search/"
  weight = 8

  name = "Privacy Policy"
  link = "privacy-policy/"
  weight = 9

  name = "Energy Policy"
  link = "energy-policy/"
  weight = 10

  name = "Contact"
  link = "contact/"
  weight = 11

############################# social site ########################
title = "medium"
icon = "fab fa-medium-m" # fontawesome icon :
link = ""

title = "facebook"
icon = "fab fa-facebook-f" # fontawesome icon :
link = ""

title = "twitter"
icon = "fab fa-twitter" # fontawesome icon :
link = ""

title = "instagram"
icon = "fab fa-instagram" # fontawesome icon :
link = ""

title = "pinterest"
icon = "fab fa-pinterest-p" # fontawesome icon :
link = ""

title = "telegram"
icon = "fab fa-telegram-plane" # fontawesome icon :
link = ""


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About author


Vincenzo Antedoro is an engineer who helps those who want to invest in renewables. For the rest he enjoys teaching with the method of learning by doing..

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